Page 98 - Pure Life 24
P. 98
A Historical Inquiry … H. Andisheh and M.R. Payvandi / 97
Allameh Baghdadi says in This indicates that whoever
“Al-Farq bayn al-Firaq” about loved the Ahl al-Bayt of the
“Saboiyyah”: Prophet, although it is Sunni,
“Saboiyyah” was a was given the title of “Rafiḍia”.
group of followers of Also quoting Beyhaqi, when
Abdullah bin Saba who Imam Shafi'i was told that a
had no external reality. group of the Ahl al-Bayt did
not like him and whoever
Asqalani writes: quoted anything in this regard,
“The one who puts Ali he was called a “Rafiḍia”, he
before Abu Bakr and composed this poem:
Umar is a “Rafiḍia” “When we consider Ali
and the one who is superior, we are accused
interested in Ali and of “Rafiḍia” in the eyes
considers him one of the of those who are
best and superior ignorant of the truth”.
companions is a Shia”. (Shabrawi Shafi'i, 2003: 27;
(Asqalani, 1934: 333) Shablanji, 1965: 115)
The word “Rafiḍia” was On the other hand, Qazvini
also applied to those who Razi quoted a quote from Badi
loved and affection the Ahl al- Hamadani in which he said at
Bayt; as Imam Shafi'i has said: the shrine of Ali ibn Musa al-
“If the love and Ridha:
affection of the Ahl al- “Although I am ideologically
Bayt of the Prophet is Sunni; but I am a
“Rafḍh”, then people “Rafiḍia” in your friendship
and fairies should be and even if I am busy
witnesses that I am a with the righteous
“Rafiḍia”. (Fakhr Razi, caliphs, I will not be
1934) unaware of you Ahl al-
Bayt”. (Qazvini Razi,
1358: 218)