Page 52 - Pure Life 24
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Analysis of the Social Characteristics of the Jews … B.M.R. al-Nakhli, A. al-Salman/ 51

               personality  and  had  spread                up with a succession of
               deep into it, and then grew up,              messengers; we gave Jesus
               nurtured, and sent its branches              the  son  of  Mary  Clear
               to the outside world, embodying              (Signs) and strengthened
               them in their behaviors, transactions,       him with the holy spirit.
               relationships, and appearances .             Is it that whenever there
                  Among  the  characteristics               comes to you a messenger
               of  the  Jews  is  betrayal  to  the         with what ye yourselves
               divine covenant; other characteristics       desire not, ye are puffed
               also  include:  concealment  and             up with pride?- Some ye
               wearing  it  with  falsehood,                called  impostors,  and
               taking usury, illegal consumption            others      ye     slay !”
               of  people's  money,  rebellion,             (Quran, 2: 87)
               lies  and  deception,  jealousy,
               ridicule, cowardice, miserliness,     The Result of Jewish Deviance
               corruption in the land, haste in      The  Holy  Quran  discusses  in
               sin and aggression, Racial and        details the consequences of the
               national prejudice.                   deviations  of  the  Jewish
                  The  worse  deviation  of  the     community  and  the  divine
               Jews goes back to the kind of         punishment  in  this  world  and
               confrontation with the approach       the hereafter, which was inflicted
               of  the  prophets  and  these         on them as a result of deviant
               divine  figures  who  opposed         behaviors  and  heinous  acts;
               their movement and invitation.        these  include  divine  wrath,
               Therefore,  they  committed  a        cursing  them  by  God  and  the
               rebellion against the reforming       prophets, blinding their eyes to
               revival of the prophets and did       seeing  the  truth,  humiliating
               not    refrain   from     killing,    and persecuting them, distorting
               displacing    and     trying   to     and  scattering  them  on  earth,
               weaken their position:                bewilderment, forbidding good
                      “We  gave  Moses  the          things, and so on.
                      Book  and  followed  him
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