Page 53 - Pure Life 24
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52   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 39-54, Autumn 2020


               Conclusion                            adverse effects, it is necessary
               The Quran's repeated references       to  develop  an  educational
               to the Jews reflect a prominent       program  to  help  create  an
               the    Quranic  feature  that  has    informed generation; In such a
               fundamental  reasons;  among          way  that  a  person  with
               other things, some Jews are the       personal  clarity  has  wisdom,
               enemy  of  Muslims,  which  is        piety,  courage,  patience  and
               accompanied  by  aggression           correct    planning     and    is
               and  expression  of  superiority.     qualified to face the enemy :
               The  fight  against  this  enemy             “For the present, Allah
               continues  in  every  age  until             hath    lightened    your
               the hour of reckoning.                       (task),  for  He  knoweth
                  Therefore,  the  Holy  Quran              that there is a weak spot
               forbids allegiance to them and               in you: But (even so), if
               calls on Muslims to be careful               there  are  a  hundred  of
               in dealing with them; therefore,             you, patient and persevering,
               Muslims  should  be  aware  of               they  will  vanquish  two
               the  great  danger  that  has                hundred, and if a thousand,
               befallen  the  Muslim  Ummah,                they  will  vanquish  two
               and  investigate  the  identity  of          thousand, with the leave
               the  Jews  and  their  personality           of  Allah:  for  Allah  is
               traits, and contribute to public             with those who patiently
               awareness  through  the  use  of             persevere”. (Quran, 8: 66)
               public tools .
                  In  addition  to  trying  to
               counter the ideological aggression
               that  the  Jews  are  plotting
               against  Muslims,  in  order  to
               counter the psychological warfare
               of  the  Jews  and  protect  the
               Islamic  community  from  its
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