Page 165 - Pure Life 25
P. 165
164 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
religious Islamic state; But due the social and economic
to immoral and cruel ruling welfare of Pakistani people
elites, Islamic laws could who got independence from
never be strengthened and India and the British rule.
different perspectives remained In the second phase of
inactive to corporate Islam and political structure in this
modern state system based on country, Islamic values were
welfare objectives. adopted by local governments
Most of the regional powers of Pakistan to promote peace,
including Iran and Arab world harmony and national unity
never accepted the increasing throughout the country,
role of Islam in their public because the separation of East
spheres. Pakistan was Pakistan was the greatest
established in the name of upsets and religious divisions
Islam; But their governments in the country.
failed to establish true Islamic In third and final phase of
system in the country and it government structures and
remained major concern for government development in
the modern state of Pakistan Pakistan, Islam was used as the
when and where to develop tolerant and most
and establish the Islamic laws comprehensive and cooperative
in the country. society for other religious
Chughtai (2015) has groups and minorities. The role
explained the four phases of of has always remained the
Pakistan since their topic of intense discussions in
independence in 1947 and the political system of the
establishment of PPP country where political
government until 2012. In the governments were toppled
first phase of the political several times and the image of
government in this country, welfare Islamic state has never
Islam was used as the major been established for promoting
government focus to enhance peace and justice in the country.