Page 168 - Pure Life 25
P. 168
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 167
Analysis and Discussion Islamic values and
The research paper critically management practices in the
investigated the Islamic society and businesses, the
government system of Imam research investigated the
Ali as a base for the research influence of such managerial
to examine the influence of practices on the development
Islamic values and of political structure and
management system on the system in Pakistan over the
political structure of Pakistan. past 70 years.
The research examined the It evaluated how effectively
Islamic values and these management practices
management systems according influenced the current political
to Quran and Sunnah by system in Pakistan by
adopting the secondary sources exploring the reliability of
of data collection and other alternatives to the
observation through already Islamic management system. It
published sources. highlighted the possible
It highlighted how Islamic impacts of Islamic laws and
values and management management system collapse
practices promoted harmony, in Pakistan by examining the
justice, peace and stability in meanings of Islamic
the society and corporate government according to
world. It investigated if the Quran and hadith.
Islamic management system It highlighted who was
existed in businesses and Imam Ali and what was his
political structure of Pakistan contribution to the Islamic
by evaluating Nahj-ul-Balagh management system and how
with respect of management these management styles
theories and practices. affected our daily lives. It
After carefully evaluating explored the deficiencies and
the managerial practices of lacks in the political system
Imam Ali to create strong and structure of Pakistan.