Page 105 - Pure Life 29
P. 105
104 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 103-136, Winter 2022
Introduction poetry of Rumi and Blake
Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273), through analyzing and
and William Blake (1757-1827), interpreting their poems. In
are poets and mystics from addition, the study tries to
two different cultural see what the similarities and
backgrounds and different differences between the poetry
languages living in different
periods. One is Persian Sufi of Rumi and Blake are in a
and the other a Christian comparative manner, especially
mystic and English Romantic with regard to the theme of
poet. As mystical and spiritual reason and how it can pave
poets, their poetic traditions the way to pure life. The
are also different. However, if study also attempts to
one carefully analyzes their
poetry, certain similarities could ascertain and define clearly
be found in their views the spiritual positions and
towards reason. views of the two poets
Through comparing the based on the theme of
concepts of reason in the reason regardless of the
poetry of Rumi and Blake, differences in culture, language
the affinities in their views and their presence in different
regarding pure life could be
identified and analyzed. centuries and different places.
(Dehghani Firouzabadi and This study is not only a
Yapaar, 2014: 56) comparative study of poets
who come from diverse religious
Statement of the Problem and literary backgrounds, but
The paper attempts to find who indeed share deeply similar
out how it is possible to gain mystical insight. The paper
an in-depth understanding of also endorses scrutiny of the
the theme of reason in the