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Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (105

               crucial  relationship  between        language and literature, and/or
               mystical  experience  and  the        it  means  the  knowledge  and
               construction  of  hermeneutical       application of other disciplines

               forms of writing.                     in and for the study of literature
                                                     and second, Comparative Literature
               Theoretical  Framework  and           has an ideology of inclusion of
               Review of Related Literature          the  Other,  say,  a  marginal

               In  this  study,  the  theory  of     literature. (Ibid: 13)
               comparative literature according         Inclusion can be inferred as
               to  Steven  Totosy  de  Zepetnek      a theoretical activity to enable
               (1998)  will  be  employed  in        two  literary  themes  or  literary
               order  to  analyze  and  compare      figures to have more affinities
               concepts  of  reason  in  the         and be closer to each based on

               poetry  of  Rumi  and  Blake.         the  parity  existing  between
               This theory contains a practical      them. Thus, thematic inclusion
               model  which  is  useful  in          must  be  structured  to  meet
               comparing literary themes. The        particular  objectives while  the
               model  relates  to  Totosy  de        two  comparable  sides  keep
               Zepetnek’s approach of inclusion.     their individual characteristics.
               Totosy  de  Zepetnek  contends           In addition to the theory of

               that comparative literature involves   inclusion, this study is constructed
               “theoretical, methodological as       on  Aldous  Huxley’s  Perennial
               well as ideological and political     philosophy.  Accordingly,  the
               approach       of     inclusion”.     foreground  theory  in  the
               (Totosy de Zepetnek, 1998: 17)        present  article  is  Huxley’s
                  To  him  First,  Comparative       Perennial philosophy.

               Literature means the knowledge
               of  more  than  one  national
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