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               128  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 103-136, Winter 2022

               Spread  a  Tent,  with  strong        While far into the vast unknown,
               curtains around them                  the strong wing'd Eagles bend
               Let cords & stakes bind in the Void   Their venturous flight, in Human
               That  Eternals  may  no  more         forms distinct; thro darkness deep
               behold them                           They     bear      the    woven
               They  began  to  weave  curtains      draperies;  on  golden  hooks
               of darkness                           they hang abroad
               They  erected  large  pillars         The  universal  curtains  &
               round the Void                        spread out from Sun to Sun

               With  golden  hooks  fastend  in      The  vehicles  of  light,  they
               the pillars                           separate the furious particles
               With infinite labour the Eternals     Into mild currents as the water
               A woof wove, and called it Science    mingles with the wine
                 (Blake, The Book of Urizen,          (Blake, 1963, 2-29.8-2-29.13,
                       19.2-19.9, E 78)                           E 319)

                  However, these “Eagles” of            The  universal  curtains  in
               intellect prove that  imagination     this  poem  signifies  universal
               is still conceivable in the inmost    reason  and  furious  particles
               spreads of Urizen's domain. Under     symbolizes partial reason. The
               these  challenging  levels,  energy   tone    of   the    passage    is
               accedes to those of surrounding       dialectically positive. This description

               reason;  and  natural  life  stays    through  the  “vehicle  of  light”
               unkindly  imprisoned  into  a         moves  beyond  the  restricted
               death  cycle.  These  potentials      world  of  “The  Book  of
               are  intensely  reinforced  by        Urizen”  to  a  new  concept  of
               images  of  regeneration  in  the     reason. This renewed notion of
               following lines:                      universal     reason     is    as
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