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Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (133

               List of References                        7.  Blake,  William  (1977).
                                                            Wiliam Blake: The Complete
                   1.  The     Holy     Qur'an.             Poems.  Harmondsworth:
                      (English  Translation  of  the        Penguin.
                      Meaning  of  al-Quran:  The        8.  Boostani,  Mahdieh  (2017).
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                      Supernaturalism. New York:            The  Sufi  Path  of  Love:
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                   3.  Blake,  William  (1970).             of  Rumi.  New  York:
                      Auguries  of  Innocence.              SUNY Press.
                      Bushey: Taurus Press.              10. Dehghan,    Ali.   Farzi,
                   4.  Blake,  William  (1988).             Hamidreza.  and  Rostam
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                      Prose  of  William  Blake.            Survey  on  the  Nostalgia
                      New York: Random House                for  “Return  to  Origin”
                      Digital.                              in Mystical Poetry (Sanaei,
                   5.  Blake,  William  (2004).             Attar  and  Mowlavi=Rumi).
                      The First Book of Urizen.             Life Science Journal. Vol. 10
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                   6.  Blake,  William  (1963).          11. Dehghani Firouzabadi, Mahdi.
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                      Oxford: Clarendon Press.              (2014). Evil the Cause of
                                                            Separation: A Comparative
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                                                            and     William    Blake.
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