Page 144 - Pure Life 29
P. 144

Sex Education in … S. Fahs and A. Kanso / (143

                      that  you  might  profit       sexual  chastity,  with  the  goal
                      from the perishable goods      of  educating  and  encouraging
                      of  this  world.  But  if      people to imitate God's prophet's

                      someone forces them into       actions  and  words  in  order  to
                      prostitution,  Allah  is       overcome lust and desire.
                      Forgiving  and  Merciful          Apart  from  chastity,  the
                      (to those women, He will       prophet Muhammad also mentioned
                      pardon them because they       fasting when he said:
                      were  forced  to  commit              “Get married, young men,

                      the wicked conduct against            if  you  can  support  a
                      their will”. (Quran, 24: 33)          woman. It truly reduces
                                                            the  gaze  and  protects
                  In  this  regard,  the  Austrian          chastity. Those who are
               Ofseld  Schgadz  corroborated                unable  to  do  so  must
               this,  saying:  Consciousness  is            fast  in  order  to  curb

               a sexual virtue. (Ref: Mousawi,              their          passions”.
               2007: 83)                                    (Kulayni, 2015 Vol. 4: 180)
                  As  we  can  see  from  this
               magnificent  verse,  chastity  is        Islam established a standard of
               the  finest  way  to  soothe  the     etiquette, and there are numerous
               sexual  drive  and  avoid  doing      testimonies to support this healthy
               what Allah, the Almighty, has         sexual education, such as:

               forbidden. This is accomplished           ●  The differentiation in beds,
               by  increasing  one's  faith  and            as the prophet Muhammad
               proximity  to  Allah,  the  Holy             says:
               Quran  further  mentions  the                “The  boy  and  the  boy,
               story of Joseph, in which some               the  boy  and  the  girl,
               of  the  events  revolve  around             and  the  boys  and  girls
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