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               148  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 137-156, Winter 2022
               a decrease in teenage pregnancies     in the spread of sexual diseases,
               and  abortions,  as  well  as  a      epidemics, family dissolution and
               decrease  in  rates  of  sexually     unwanted teen pregnancies.
               transmitted infections (STI) and         As a result, they have had to
               HIV among young people aged           make changes to their educational
               15-24 years.                          programs  in  order  to  avoid
                                                     these  problems.  One  of  these
               Objectives of Western and             changes includes, that Relationships

               Islamic Sex Education and             education  is  now  required  for
               its  Function  in  Modern             all  primary-aged  students  due
               Human Life                            to the large number of children

               The intellectual ideologies which     having many sex-related questions
               are adopted by Western nations        that they need to be answered
               and  modern  civilizations  is        with accurate medical information
               materialistic thinking, which is      that  is  appropriate  for  their
               far  away  from  spiritual  and       intellectual  level  and  so,  will
               moral  principles  and  mainly        be  useful  to  them  throughout
               oriented  on  human  needs.           their lives.

               Therefore,  in  order  to  avoid         It’s important to note that the
               responsibility and pursue enjoyment,   purpose  of  western  sexuality
               people are increasingly devoting      education  is  to  teach  young
               time  away  from  marriage,           people how to handle sexuality
               family formation, and childlessness.   in a healthy way. It also aims

                  So,  in  the  west,  sexual        to establish beneficial behaviors
               education  is  used  to  be  based    such as the use of contraceptives,
               on these concepts and educational     particularly condoms, which not
               programs,  which  had  negative
               impacts on society, such as increase
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