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               170  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 157-176, Winter 2022
                 by  foreign  ideologies  and           a nuisance or when extremists
                 the  West  is  propagating             linked  to  the  Afghan  and
                 this as a tremendous threat,           Arab  countries  blow  up
                 symbolized by terrorism and            nightclubs, hotels or restaurants
                                                        in  Bali  and  Jakarta.  The
                 intolerance. Indonesia is one          former President of Indonesia,
                 of the most striking historical        who is a progressive religion
                 examples  of  a  systematic            cleric,  Abdurrahman  Wahid,
                 destruction  of  progressive           was also forced down by a

                 Religious values.                      number of elites said that:
                   In  the  1950s  and  early                I  know  who  blew  up
                 1960s,  the  United  States,                the  Marriot  Hotel  in
                 Australia  and  the  West  in               Jakarta. It was not an
                 general  were  increasingly                 attack  by  an  Islamic
                 concerned  about  the  anti-                group; rather, carried
                 imperialist and internationalist            out by secret Indonesian
                 jargons  that  were  echoed                 intelligence services, to
                 by President Soekarno. They                 legitimize  the  budget
                 are  also  worried  about  the              for their existence, and
                 growing  popularity  of  the                to  please  the  West.
                 Indonesian  Communist  Party                (Vltcheck, 2012)
                 (PKI); but they were much                Based  on  this  fact,  it  is
                 more worried about socialist           clear that radical movement
                 ideologies and moderate, which         in  Indonesia  is  clearly
                 clearly shared communist ideals.       linked  with  the  west.  This
                   Indonesian  religion   has           systematic movement gradually

                 been  reduced  to  a  silent           have  grown  and  develop
                 majority. As such, religion            into  several  organizations
                 will only make headlines in            and parties.
                 the international media if a
                 white-robed group is deemed
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