Page 172 - Pure Life 29
P. 172

Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from … M.Z. Amami et al / (171

               Conclusion                                    3.  The purposes of radical
               Based  on  the  research  and                    and  terror  action  in

               gathered  data  it  can  be                      Indonesia  and  other
               concluded that:                                  countries of the world
                     1.  Most of radical and                    are as follows:
                         terror actions occurred                •  Creating  fear  and
                         in Indonesia and other                     insecurity among
                         countries of the world                     people.

                         has been done individually             •  Developing instability
                         and  categorized  as                       against government
                         religious terrorism.                       to  create  state
                                                                    based  on  radical
                     2.  Several background that                    ideology.
                         causing and supporting

                         these radical and  terror           4.  The trigger factors of
                         actions such as:                       radical ideology are:
                         •  Radical ideology and                •  Misinterpretations
                             organizations                          of Quran verses and
                         •  Supporting capital                      prophet traditions
                             and  material  of                      and Testaments texts

                             terror from other                  •  Hoax  in  social
                             countries                              Media spread by
                         •  Spreading       of                      terror organizations
                             hoaxes in social                   •  Less of government
                             media  platforms                       control in social

                             such as Facebook,                      media contents
                             YouTube      and
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