Page 55 - Pure Life 29
P. 55
54 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 39-71, Winter 2022
He does not accept the but this situation has darkened
psychologists’ definition of love due to life’s daily and irregular
in the book “Elixir” and considers activities. (Chopra, 2009: 84)
it as a physical interpretation It should be noted that there
and says: is a difference between transcendent
In the past, the most values that are achieved through
fleeting infatuations had love and sensual desire. Many
a spiritual meaning, and people find life in achieving
cordiality and connection money, power, security, and comfort;
with God through the (Ibid: 144) but spirituality seeks
beloved were serious points. not to be an attachment to the
After Freud, psychologists physical world. A person can
have believed that falling be freed from sensual desires
in love is nothing more and reach pure pleasure with
than a deception and its spirituality.
passion is unrealistic. There is no single view on
This view made us look the position of sexual desire in
at love as a temporary spiritual perfection; Some spiritualities
and unstable thing and try to suppress it, and others
accept that we must consider it as a cause of human
ignore the fact that we perfection; however, Chopra thinks
can be such passionate that the suppression of sexual
lovers and immortal and desires is wrong and believes
safe. (Chopra, 2009: 46) that these things can lead to the
spiritual perfection of the human:
He believes that human beings “Poetic (worldly) love is
have been born with pure pleasure,
worldly undoubtedly, but