Page 56 - Pure Life 29
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A Critical Approach to Human … H.A. Islaminasab et al / (55

                      it also has the potential      one  must  practice  silence  and
                      spiritual      capacity”.      contemplation  every  day  and
                      (Chopra, 2009: 164)            avoid judging. In a way, he is
                                                     silent  for  a  certain  time  every
                  As a result, however, “pure        day in order to calm down his
               chastity and piety is a kind of       inner  conversation  and  also
               spiritual attribute, but it should    contemplate  in  the  morning
               not be equated with the suppression   and in the evening.

               of desires”. (Ibid: 172)                 In  addition,  he  must  stop
                                                     judging  things  in  such  a  way
                   •  Contemplation
               Contemplation  is  one  of  the       that he considers them good or
               ways  mentioned  for  human           bad or analyzes them in order
               perfection. This teaching is for      to gain absolute inner consciousness.

               the  spiritual  perfection  of  the   (Chopra, 2003b: 16-19)
               soul  in  the  divine  religions.         •  Choosing a Spiritual Master
               Still,   there   is   no    clear     Chopra  believes  in  the  choice
               definition  of  it  in  secular       of  a  spiritual  master  in  the
               spirituality. It is not only used     discussion of spiritual perfection,
               in  each  of  the  spiritual  and     and  he  advises  people  with

               biological evolutions but is used     different  beliefs  to  choose  a
               in  the  meaning  of  meditation      spiritual  master,  a  guru  -  the
               in  most  secular  spirituality.      religious leader of the Hindus.
               (Rahimzadeh, 1999: 45-46)             A wise teacher with a spiritual
                  Chopra considers the human         advice  treasure  can  be  very
               to have the ability of creativity     helpful  at  the  time  of  coming
               and  believes  that  in  order  to    into conflict. (Ibid, 2009: 233)
               achieve  his  infinite  creativity,
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