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               170  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022

               divine nature of governance               What prepared the ground
               and  supervision  on  all              for  the  victory  of  the
               mundane  affairs  of  the              Islamic Revolution was the
               people.  This  issue  is  a            coherence of the alliance of

               major  concept  in  cognitive          people, which was born out
               fundamentals  of  Islamic              of communications between
               governance from the Imam               different strata on one hand
               Khomeini's view.                       and  the  leadership  of  the

                  In  the  political  society         Islamic  Revolution  on  the
               leading  to  the  Islamic              other.  Amid  the  unbridled
               Revolution,  masses  were              wave  of  carnage,  like  the

               seriously involved. Intellectuals      September  8,  1978  Black
               represented  an  influential           Friday,  the  leadership  of
               player. Ali Shariati may be            the  Revolution  braced  for

               referred      to     as      the       new  methods  like  calling
               representative of this group.          general  strikes  and  mass
               Expressing opposition to the           protests     to   shake      the

               development plans envisaged            foundations  of  the  Pahlavi
               by  the  Shah,  Shariati               regime,  and  after  all,  the
               managed to push the clergy             Imam's  steadfastness  in
               to close ranks with students           changing  the  government

               and intellectuals. That helped         and  unseating  the  ruling
               link  different  social  strata        monarchy  to  install  an
               like laborers and the poor.            Islamic Republic led to the

                                                      victory  of  the  Islamic
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