Page 174 - Pure Life 31
P. 174
Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (173
People constitute a major The most we can do is to
asset for the Islamic awaken the people. (Ibid,
Revolution and the Islamic 1984, Vol. 10: 46)
establishment. These people
will not become assets Based on this, the Imam
before they have not found Khomeini expected the
a correct understanding of clergy and religious marja'
their surroundings. The to awaken the dormant
Imam Khomeini believed that human nature in order to
universities were seeking lead it onto the path traced
facts and that they would by God for human beings.
not hesitate to join Islam As mentioned earlier, the
and the Islamic establishment Imam Khomeini believed
if their questions were that humanity was destined
answered correctly: to drive its soul to
This idea of the Imam perfection which itself
Khomeini is supported by the requires self-awareness as
divinity of human nature; a the key for going through
nature which needs to be internal and external barriers.
awakened. That is why the Another factor largely
Imam Khomeini refers to highlighted by the Imam
“Internal Revolution” as key Khomeini as the cause of
to objective and external the downfall of the imperial
revolution: (Ref: Imam Khomeini, regime was the absence of
1999, Vol. 19: 478-487) a social base: