Page 178 - Pure Life 32
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The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (177

                  Team participation among            motivation  for  participation,
               the     members       of     the       forming steering committees,

               organization      is   another         skilled compilers) as one of
               factor  in  the  strategic  plan       the  causal  conditions  for
               of  sports  leisure  with  an          the     implementation        of

               emphasis  on  the  Iranian             strategic plans.
               model, which includes work                Organizational culture is
               commitment,  participation             also  one  of  the  causal

               of    all    members,       and        factors     influencing      the
               communication among group              sports leisure program with
               members.                               an emphasis on the Iranian

                  In  order  for  a  strategic        model. Organizational culture
               plan to reach its goals, it is         is    one    of    the     most
               necessary  that  all  people,          important       concepts      in

               groups  and  departments  of           organizational management
               the  organization  perform             and      behavior,       which
               their duties in line with the          includes  a  set  of  values,
               strategic goals. In line with          beliefs, understandings, and

               the  results  of  the  research,       ways  of  thinking  that  are
               team participation has been            common         among         the
               emphasized in the research             members           of         the

               of Teimouri et al (2018).              organization and are sought
                  Mazloumi  and  Mutauli              by  new  members  as  the
               (2013) have also pointed to            correct  ways  of  doing

               participatory          drafting        things and thinking.
               (participation  of  human                 According         to      the
               resources in drafting, creating        research      findings,      the
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