Page 179 - Pure Life 32
P. 179
178 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 147-189, Autumn. 2022
existence of an one of the Intervening
organizational culture that conditions in the implementation
supports employees, supports of strategic plans.
innovation and creativity in Of course, in addition to
the organization and is the issue of the influence of
based on adherence to organizational culture for
values and norms is formulating and implementing
effective for the success of strategic plans for Leisure
developing and implementing Time, the issue of culture
a sports leisure program and culture building is also
with an emphasis on the effective in encouraging
Iranian model. people to spend their
In this context, Teimouri Leisure Time in sports, and
et al (2018) mentioned the this issue is mentioned in
organizational culture governing the research of Nazarian
the workplace as one of the Madavani and Ramezani (2012).
mediating factors in the The central phenomenon
model of managing in this model is the
employees' Leisure Time at strategic program of leisure
the workplace. time with an emphasis on
Mazloumi and Mutauli the Iranian model, which
(2013) also reported that includes collecting information
the organizational climate from the organization's
(organizational culture, the environment, analyzing and
same native culture, careful analyzing the obtained
selection of employees and information, and finally
stability of management) is compiling long-term, short-