Page 102 - Pure Life 34
P. 102
A Critical Analysis of Machavelli's View … Z . Kabiri et al (101
important than moral issues. determinism and asserts that
(Machiavelli, 2019a: 68-69) the condition of moral actions
is that they are performed
Evaluation of Machiavelli's voluntarily.
Viewpoint Based on the So only the attributes that
Anthropological Foundations have come into being with
of Ayatollah Misbah human free will can be
In this section, the summary qualified as moral and can
of Machiavelli's view on the change with this free will and
criteria of moral action is with great effort. Otherwise,
reviewed and then it is ethics and the efforts of social
evaluated from Ayatollah reformers and educational
Misbah Yazdi's viewpoint. philosophers will be meaningless
1. Machiavelli considered man and useless.
as a one-dimensional being. As a result, Allameh Misbah
Allameh Misbah, contrary to does not accept Machiavelli's
Machiavelli's view, considers claim that a man cannot
man having two physical and change due to natural
spiritual dimensions. (Misbah determinism (the impossibility
Yazdi, 2012: 39)
of changing the original
2. Machiavelli considered man nature) and the difficulty of
inherently evil and bad and changes in external traits and
described him as subject to states. (Ibid, 2011: 49)
natural determinism. Machiavelli Allameh believes that due
believed that man is naturally to the divine nature that God
ambitious and tends to evil. has bestowed the human
Allameh Misbah rejects being, he tends to do good
Machiavelli's view of natural deeds more than bad deeds;