Page 106 - Pure Life 34
P. 106
A Critical Analysis of Machavelli's View … Z . Kabiri et al (105
strength. Therefore, from his principles accepted by all
viewpoint, it doesn't matter moral systems and all wise
with what intention telling the people, that “justice is good”
truth or lying is done, and “cruelty is bad”. Anything
whatever makes a person that serves to increase power
more powerful is desirable is good and anything that
and has more value causes a decrease in human
Ayatollah Misbah is against power and ability is bad.
this view of Machiavelli; he Rejecting Machiavelli's
contends that one of the viewpoint, Ayatollah Misbah
important criteria in accepting Yazdi's view, the degree of
moral actions and the basis morality of an act is the extent
for valuing actions in Islam is that it leads to true perfection,
intention. the divine intention in doing
From his viewpoint, it is the act, the voluntarily or
the conscious intention and consciously doing, and the
motivation that affects the attention that is paid to the
action so that when a person positive effects and
is in doubt, he can prefer one consequences of that act in
action over another. (Misbah this world and hereafter.
Yazdi, 2011, Vol. 1: 113-114) (Ibid, 2013: 356-357)
Ayatollah Misbah declares
that in the Islamic value 9. Since Machiavelli emphasizes
system, moral values are for the originality of man, he
eternal results. (Ibid, 2019) defines human dignity according
to Western humanism. From
8. According to Machiavelli's his viewpoint, human dignity
moral system, it is impossible must be preserved, and preserving
to defend these two moral human dignity means preserving