Page 109 - Pure Life 34
P. 109
108 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
Conclusion Machiavelli does not
The anthropological viewpoint include intention in ethics and
has a direct effect on still believes that the criterion
presenting people moral ideas. of moral action should be
Ethical schools in ethics, based on the ultimate goal of
according to the goal they man, i.e. to reach power.
introduce for performing Machiavelli believes that
moral action and the type of originality is with man and
attitude they have towards that his status in creation is so
man, his talents and high that he does not need to
capacities, his needs and be managed by any other
perfection, introduce the creature.
criterion of moral action. On the opposite point,
According to the findings Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi
of the research, Machiavelli Contrary to Machiavelli,
considered man to be a one- considers human beings to
dimensional being and inherently have a pure nature and
evil; he believed that the true inherent human dignity and
perfection of man depends on believes that the goal of moral
his power and of course action should be to achieve
material power. perfection and spiritual
According to Machiavelli, advancement.
ultimate goal and perfection He believed that man is the
of man from his viewpoint is caliph on earth, and it is
to become absolutely powerful important to have divine
at any cost, even at the cost of intention and consciously
violating all moral and human perform an action and pay
principles. attention to its positive and