Page 125 - Pure Life 34
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            124  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
               Based  on  Table  1,  the              Multiplier  Test  were  carried
            average  HDI  of  people  in              out.
            Jambi Province is 69.63. The                 The  Chow  test  is  used  to
            highest  is  78.29  and  the              select  the  Common  Effect
            lowest is 64.15.                          (CE)  model  or  the  Fixed

                2.  Results of Data Analysis          Effect (FE) model as the best

            Panel  data  regression  has              model.
            three  models,  namely  the                  If  the  probability  value  of
            Common  Effect  model,  the               the  Cross-section  Chi-square

            Fixed  Effect  model,  and  the           <  α  =  0.05,  then  select  the
            Random  Effect  model.  To                Fixed  Effect  model,  and  vice
            determine the best model as a             versa  if  the  Cross-section  F

            predictive tool, the Chow Test,           Chi-square  >  α  =  0.05  select
            Hausman  Test,  and  Lagrange             the Common Effect model.

                       Table 2. Chow test results (Redundant Fixed Effect)
             Effects Test                     Statistic        d.f.            Prob.
             Cross-section F                  1.12             (8,25)          0.38
             Cross-section Chi-square         11.03            8.00            0.20
                                                      model and the Random Effect
               Based on Table 2, the Chi-             (RE) model.
            square cross-section probability             If the random cross-section

            value is 0.2 > 0.05, so it was            probability  value  is  <  α  =
            decided  that  the  Common                0.05,  then  the  Fixed  Effect
            Effect model is better than the           model  is  better  than  the
            Fixed Effect model.                       Random  Effect  model,  and

               The  Hausman  test  is  used           vice  versa  if  the  random
            to  select  the  best  model              Cross-section probability value
            between  the  Fixed  Effect               is  >  α  =  0.05,  then  the
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