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            128  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023

               Based on the results of the            them  to  take  legal  action  in
            analysis  using  the  Common              solving family problems.
            Effect  model,  the  level  of               Family  problems  do  not
            public  education  in  Jambi              always have to end in divorce.
            Province  statistically  has  a           It  takes  maturity  to  think

            positive      and      significant        about  addressing  and  solving
            influence on the occurrence of            family  problems,  so  as  to
            family divorce.                           produce  wise  decisions  in

               This  fact  explains  that  the        family  life.  Divorce  is  the
            higher  the  level  of  public            final  decision  if  there  is  no
            education, the more likely it is          amicable  agreement  between

            to  cause  divorce  in  the               husband and wife.
            household. This case was also                Even though maturity is not
            found  by  Fitri  (2022)  in  the         always  determined  by  the

            results  of  his  research  which         level of education, there have
            stated  that  the  higher  the            been  many  studies  that  state
            education  level  of  someone             that  education  can  affect
            who  already  has  a  job  and            human       mindsets      through

            their own income, the easier it           knowledge  and  experience
            is to divorce.                            gained  while  studying,  as
               It  is  stated  that  those  with      Azis  (2021)  found  that  the

            higher  education  are  more              higher  a  person's  education
            likely to file for divorce than           level, the lower the possibility
            those  with  lower  education.            of divorce.

            Logically,  this  is  possible               Therefore,  education  needs
            because people who have higher            to    be     considered      when
            education will understand more            wanting      to    get    married

            about the law, so it is easy for          because it has a much-needed
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