Page 160 - Pure Life 35
P. 160

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (159

               In  these  verses,  which  are            But  he  immediately  uses
            the subject of our discussion,            the  lever  of  evangelism  and

            he  first  uses  the  element  of         says:  If  someone  repents  and
            warning and says:                         does  a  righteous  deed,  not
               “Those  who  do  not  invoke           only will his sins be forgiven

               another  god  besides  Allah,          and the blackness related to it
               and  do  not  kill  a  soul]           will  be  cleansed;  Instead,  his
               whose life [Allah has made             letter  of  action  becomes

               inviolable,  except  with  due         bright and clear (Ref: Quran,
               cause,  and  do  not  commit           25: 70). (Misbah Yazdi, 2009: 295)
               fornication.)  Whoever does

               that  shall  encounter  its            7.  Comprehensiveness  and
                                                      Balance in Education
               retribution * The punishment
               being doubled for him on the             Misbah Yazdi says about the

               Day  of  Resurrection.  In  it         necessity  and  importance  of
               he will abide in humiliation           education in all dimensions of
               forever.” (Quran, 25: 68-69)           personality:
                                                         “He  taught  Adam  the

               This verse warns that those               Names,  all  of  them…”.
            who  commit  the  mentioned                  (Quran, 2: 31)
            sins  will  be  punished  for  a

            long      time       and      their          Man  must  become  the
            punishment  will  be  double,             manifestation of all the names
            and  in  addition,  they  will  be        and  attributes  of  God.  Now,

            insulted and humiliated forever           in  order  to  reflect  all  divine
            in the resurrection day.                  manifestations,       there    are
                                                      various dimensions.
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