Page 163 - Pure Life 35
P. 163
162 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
about, O man, think about is the food of the soul, and in
where this food came from, its consumption, the necessary
how we sent down water from precautions should be applied.
the sky and made the plant It means that if you
grow. And how did the plant sometimes want to prepare
become the food of the sheep food from outside, you ask
and you use the meat of this questions and look for a
sheep. restaurant that respects hygiene
This is a blessing that God more and its food is of better
has provided for you in this quality, knowledge is also the
way. In summary, the verses food of your soul, it cannot be
are in such a position, and on obtained from anywhere or
this account, the appearance any person. If someone took
of food in this verse is it, you should see if this
material food; But below this professor you want to learn
honorable verse, there is a from has the necessary
narration that is actually the purification of soul. Do not
interpretation and meaning of trust any science, in any form
the verse, and it says that the it is presented, whether it is a
meaning of the verse is this book, a lecture, a classroom,
that: Let man look to the etc., see whose channel this
knowledge from which he will science passes through;
take it; )Kulaini, 1986: 1-48) because the effect of science
A person should be careful on your soul and soul is less
about his knowledge and from than the effect of Food is not
whom he gets it. Knowledge on your body.