Page 180 - Pure Life 36
P. 180
Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (179
Individual Impacts Based on 2. Modesty
Religion and Spirituality in Religion and spirituality
Uganda's Higher Education System foster a sense of modesty that
aligns with the cultural ethos
1. Dignity and Respect in Uganda, encompassing
Religion and spirituality promote aspects such as appropriate
and advocate individual respect attire, deference to elders, and
as mentioned in the Qur’an: humility.
“Indeed, we have dignified Gilani (2008), contends
the children of Adam…”. that modesty engenders a
(Qur’an, 17: 70)
comprehension of the divine
This means that no one has splendor and serves as the
a right to violate others' foundational element for
rights. Each one enjoys equal other virtues such as
rights. That’s why respect and reverence, piety, and a sense
dignity are among the of accountability before the
principles of a religiously divine. This sentiment is
based higher education system. echoed in the Qur’an, which
Thus, by establishing this expounds:
system upon religion, “The servants of the All-
individual rights and dignity beneficent are those who
will be preserved and walk humbly on the earth,
promoted. As a result, vices and when the ignorant
like discrimination based on address them, say,
gender, tribe, and so on will ‘Peace’”. (Qur’an, 25: 63)
be eliminated.