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            180   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

               Higher  education  Institutes          never  afraid  of  the  number
            in Uganda face the problem of             and  power  of  their  enemies.
            lack  of  modesty.  This  stems           This  is  because  they  believe
            from      copying      disgusting         that:

            foreign cultures, for example,               “Indeed,  those  who  have
            students dress inappropriately               said,  Our  Lord  is  Allah,
            at      university      campuses             and  then  remained  on  a

            leading  to  an  increase  in                right  course  there  will  be
            sexual  harassment,  and  so                 no  fear  concerning  them,
            forth. Hence, establishing our               nor  will  they  grieve”.

            system  upon  religion  and                  (Qur’an, 46: 13)
            spirituality  will  have  a  great
            impact on individual modesty                 Therefore, basing our education

            leading to the preservation of            system      on    religion     and
            our culture.                              spirituality     will     produce
                                                      courageous graduates who are
            3. Courage                                ready to face any challenging

            Religion  and  spirituality  give         situation.  This  in  return  will
            courage       to      individuals.        lead  to  the  development  of
            Graduates from various higher             independent individuals willing

            education institutes, as previously       to  serve  their  country  and
            mentioned, cannot respond to              who  are  strong  enough  to
            critical  situations  due  to  a          fight any power that degrades

            lack  of  courage.  Courageous            their motherland.
            individuals  often  use  this
            quality  to  act  in  seemingly
            difficult  situations  and  are
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