Page 116 - Pure Life 11
P. 116

Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /115

               not our own response. Use biblical principles. If the game
               you  want  to  play  is  sinful  and  it  promotes  evil,  leave  it
               alone. While I don’t believe playing video games is a sin,
               I  do  believe  that  there  are  way  better  things  that  a
               Christian should be doing in their spare time.
                  Things  such  as  getting  to  know  God  better  through
               prayer and in His Word.
                  In  Muslim  cyberspace  there  is  a  question  related  to
               video  games:  Are  Video  Games  Haram?  The  answers
               varies from a relativistic to a fundamentalistic way.
                  On Islamhelpline blog the admin sustain that ”the deen
               of  Islam  does  allow  some  level  of  amusement  or
               entertainment  which  are  good  and  wholesome  like
               spending  quality  time  with  family  and  friends,  or  some
               sport  which  benefits  one  physically,  etc;  but  to  waste  a
               commodity as precious and invaluable as time on useless
               and worthless deeds which bring absolutely no benefit to
               oneself or others is absolutely discouraged in Islam.
                  Thus even though useless and worthless games like chess,
               backgammon, or games which involve dice are  mentioned
               by name as discouraged and prohibited; the truth is that all
               such acts which bring oneself or others absolutely no benefit
               except  killing  or  wasting  time  are  discouraged  in  Islam.”
               On Quora blog  a blogger argues: ”In my opinion, it is this
               specific  attitude  towards  life  that  is  the  biggest  challenge
               facing the Muslim world in moving ahead.
                  We  are  looking  for  someone  to  make  every  single
               decision  in  our  lives.  What  progress  can  be  made,  and
               how can we move ahead when every step we take is like
               walking in a landmine of halal and haram.”

               1., September 19, 2017.
               Does-Allah-reward-you-if-you-avoid-something-haram, September 19, 2017.
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