Page 118 - Pure Life 11
P. 118

Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /117

                  Personally,  I  am  less  interested  in  games for  teaching
               facts only and more interested in games that teach critical
               thinking,  present  ethical  dilemmas,  compelling  Jewish
               narratives and cognitive skills (all of which can have facts
               embedded within them).”
                  So we see here an eclectic view which blend in a single
               pot  religious  education  and  video  games,  rejecting  any
                  Rabbi Gotlieb was worried by just one think, the Jewish
               educators  who  take  on  games  without  learning  skills  in
               game design and without acquiring some basic literacy in
               games and games for learning.

               This  thesis  hopes  to  have  challenged  some  of  the
               assumptions  about  video  games.  As  of  yet  there  is
               insufficient data to prove that video games have a positive
               or adverse impact on society.
                  The  fact  that  people  are  shying  away  from  organized
               religion may be explained by finding spiritual fulfillment
               in video games.
                  So video games provides a spiritual outlet for people to
               enjoy,  allowing  gamers  to  really  engage  their  religion.
               What  is  holding  video  games  back  from  being  a
               standalone  religion  is  the  societal  norms  surrounding
               video games: secular, leisure activities, and are only really
               played by children or teenagers.
                  This    thesis   hopes     to   have    disproven     these
               heteronormative  assumptions  and  furthered  the  field  of
               gamestudies by offering a religious studies perspective.

               learning/?p=all#ixzz24l9FDOqK, September 19, 2017.
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