Page 19 - Pure Life 11
P. 19
18 PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
A basic principle of these groups is their evolutionary
and transformational nature.
As a form of collective structure, groups are constantly
changing and evolving. From the outset, families will
undergo similar changes and will have like processes.
Going through these stages of development is essential
for the system to pursue special targets. The main goal of
the family as a group is to elevate itself to a higher level in
order to keep its integrity and stability.
This goal can be labelled as family integrity or family
solidarity that gives family group a stable personality. In other
words, group solidarity is the higher level of family as a group.
When group members can satisfy each other’s need in
order to achieve an individual or a collective goal, then
the group is generating solidarity. Put it differently, group
solidarity as a higher form of evolution depends on
cooperation, pursuing targets and appropriate measures in
accordance with satisfying the needs of group members.
On this basis, family solidarity is the most important
factor in dynamism and maintenance of families.
- Factors Contributing to Betterment of
Emotional Bonds in the Family
Group solidarity as the cause that maintains the lifeline of
the family requires certain characteristics that ensure the
group’s stable character. From a psychological point of
view, emotional bond is a factor that facilitates the
emotional environment of the group for the easy
achievement of previously set targets and an increase in
group solidarity.
The reason is the motivational power of emotional
bonds, that results in group members in actively
participating to satisfy each other’s’ needs.