Page 21 - Pure Life 11
P. 21

               20  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)

                  Psychological experiences clearly show that the art of
               listening  that  can  have  therapeutic  effects  always  comes
               with visual contact. Findings also show that visual contact
               is  an  important  requirement  of  creating  security  and
               paying     attention    to    others.   When      in    verbal
               communications,  listening  is  accompanied  by  visual  eye
               contact,  participants  in  the  communication  will  have
               mutual respect and attention from each other and this will
               increase their empathy and mutual understanding.
                  Thus listening without eye contact will lose its essential
               value and is demoted to hearing as a biological function of
               human  beings.  These  two  factors  cannot  be  easily
               separated  from  each  other.  On  the  same  basis,  families
               that  have  eye  contact  while  carefully  listening  to  each
               other, will create better and stronger emotional bonds.
                  Empathy is an emotional, cognitive process wherein one
               person  becomes  aware  of  another’s  emotions,  feelings  and
               cognition.  Some  argue  that  empathy  is  a  shared  feeling  of
               emotion in two people. Karl Rodgers defines empathy as the
               ability of a person to accompany another in his feelings so
               that the feelings of that person is shared between the two.
                  When, as a result of conversation, and with due regard
               to  factors  contributing  to  listening  and  empathy,  an
               emotional bond is formed, a mutual effect is created in the
               family,  enhancing  the  environment  toward  more
               interaction  and  more  family  solidarity,  and  this  cycle
               moves  toward  evolution  and  betterment  unless  there  is
               distortion in the process of transformation and evolution.
                  As a direct result of interaction environment, fusion of
               attitudes and exchange of ideas will happen between the
               members of the family.
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