Page 27 - Pure Life 11
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               26  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                  In societies where the pace of change is faster than the
               readiness  and  capacity  of  people  to  embrace  them,  not
               only  social  misconducts  will  surface  but  also  the
               expectation and mentality of people about change will be
                  The current plight of Iranian Family is an example of
               such  contradictions.  In  the  transitional  phase  between
               tradition  and  modernity  and  along  with  the  massive
               cultural upheavals that come with it, Iranian families are
               experiencing comprehensive and massive transformations.
               Understanding  these  transformations  and  expecting  their
               consequences  will  be  particularly  important  from  certain
                  Just as there are massive differences between families
               with religious tendencies and upbringings, there exist vast
               and  unimaginable  differences  among  families  that  are
               indifferent to religion or are less religion-oriented.
                  Iranian families still hold on to concepts and principles
               of the past, and from another side need to face modernism.
               Iranian  families  are  on  their  way  toward  modernism.
               Although  this  divergence  need  not  always  be  a  site  of
               conflict, lack of clarity in this situation is creating and will
               create serious conflicts.
                  due  to  the  aforementioned  conditions,  Traditional
               concepts  such  as  next  of  kin  and  Others,  jealousy  and
               protectiveness,  relatives,  obedience  to  elders,  family
               dignity  and  face,  and  so  on  have  acquired  different
               meanings and definitions in Iranian families.
                  We can label some of the behaviors of families whose
               social conduct is different from us as moral corruption or
               promiscuity,  or  else  we  can  label  them  as  signs  of
               transformations and start of a transition from tradition to
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