Page 110 - Pure Life 23
P. 110
Exploring English Translations of Quran… H. Alimi Baktash and M.H. Amiri / 109
Introduction just piece by piece. It uses this
Google Translate is a free broader context to help it figure
multilingual machine translation out the most relevant
service developed by Google, to translation, which it then
translate text, speech, images, rearranges and adjusts to be
sites, or real-time video from one more like a human speaking
language into another. with proper grammar”.
Google Translate supports Islam according to its
over 100 various languages at content is not just a religion for
different levels and as of May one region of earth like Mecca
2013, serves over 200 million and its surrounding, but it
people daily. speaks to the whole world.
Rather than translating It claims that has a lifestyle
languages directly, it first for mankind or in other words
translates text to English and it means that Islam has a
then to the target language. universal program and it is a
During a translation, it looks universal religion.
for patterns in millions of Islam talks to humans
documents to help decide on an through the Quran, its sacred
equivalence which is the best book, which definitely should be
and the most accurate fit for universal as well as the religion.
phrases. You see, to be universal is to
Since its accuracy has been have association with global
criticized and ridiculed on items and issues and finally a
several occasions, In global language like English. In
November 2016, Google tend other words, to reach Islam's
to switch the Google translate message all over the world it
to a neural machine translation should be translated into other
engine - Google Neural widespread languages.
Machine Translation (GNMT) - English language as an
which translates “whole international language could be
sentences at a time, rather than one other thing that matters