Page 111 - Pure Life 23
P. 111
110 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 107-140, Summer 2020
here. In this regard, English Nevertheless, may be some
language, consider as a suitable say that other particular
tool to spread this worldwide translation, according to
way of thinking and living. scholars opinion, is better but it
It seems that a book like is not what the common sense
Quran is so complex in term of or human minds understand
linguistic, so there should not from Quran - The Quran which
be an expectation of was sent for human minds.
translations in which bring into Through our search, near 57
our minds the exact meaning of English translation of Quran
Quran or the whole meanings was found, in exploration for
of it, as each part might consist the best one.
of numerous meanings. In some cases similarity
Even Arab people cannot were seen in huge or small
notice the deep meaning of it. scales, And other time, world
Other factors like: the long of differences between
time from when Quran was translations.
brought to us and today's world This comparison tries to
and different way of conveying reveal the best translation of
the meanings in Arabic and Quran and what is the majority
English, have a huge impact on of people would rather to be an
making our problem deeper. equivalence for one word, And
As Quran was sent for how much cyberspace and its
common sense, what the majority tools like Google translate could
of translators were deciding for help us through this journey.
one word could expose what These result could help
human minds understand from English researchers who's
that particular word, And looking for best translation of
considering the fact that Quran the Holy Quran, Islamic
“was” sent for humankind it researchers and also linguistics
could be the best translation that interested in such issues as
which has a lot in common with it can help them with new ideas
purpose of its sender. or clues pop up in their minds,