Page 112 - Pure Life 23
P. 112
Exploring English Translations of Quran… H. Alimi Baktash and M.H. Amiri / 111
worthy to be used for solving not know Arabic and use
linguistics issues. translation as a means to
understand the meanings and
Review of Literature messages of the Holy Quran.
It can comfortably be concluded A considerable amount of
that the Quran as a central text these Muslims read the English
tends to cause very serious translations of this Holy Book.
problems and difficulties for So it seems necessary to pay
translators in terms of due attention to the way these
understanding, interpreting and translations are done. (Asadi
translating certain theological Amjad, 2013)
concepts due to the linguistic It's been told that there is still
sophistication of the Arabic a need for more fluent translation
language used in the text on the of Quran in English even though
one hand, and the theological, a remarkable number for Quran's
sociocultural, psychological, translations exist.
spiritual and melodic dimensions Although there is a spate of
of the Quranic word. (Halimah) volumes on the multi-faceted
As an international dimensions of the Quran, no
language, English translations substantial work has so far
need more investigation in been done to critically examine
order to reduce its mistakes in the mass of existing English
compare with Quran's translations of the Quran.
translation in other languages. (Kidwai, 1987)
Due to the existence of the The Muslim Scripture is yet to
British Empire which after the find a dignified and faithful
Ottomans had the largest expression in the English
number of Muslim subjects, language that matches the majesty
English was deemed the most and grandeur of the original.
important language for the The currents of history,
Muslim purpose. (Kidwai, 1987) however, seem to be in favor of
About more than eighty such a development; Even
percent of about 1.5 billion English is acquiring a native
population of the Muslims do