Page 108 - Pure Life 28
P. 108
Analyzing the Women’s Role… M.M Safouraei Parizi / (107
each other, and in the middle of moderation against disorientation.
all this, the role of a mother is The above-mentioned concept
more important considering her applies to financial issues and
responsibilities of being both a organization of activities related
mother and a wife. Excessive to production, distribution and
and unnecessary expenditure consumption (of goods). Applying
not only reduces the level of the specific concept of economy
family profit, but also transfer about the financial issues is
this unhealthy culture and habit accepted by all cultures and is
to future generations. Mother considered as an independent
can maximize the welfare and concept for this term.
peace of the family members Some has taken the word
by providing proper conditions “intent” in the sense of being
and management in the family away from the extremes in the
so that all family members can financial issues. A group of
use their human capital to linguists also have defined this
achieve their transcendental term as the middle ground
goals with self-esteem and high between the wastefulness and
mental and physical health, and extravagance. (Mousavi Isfahani,
in the future, they become 2008:18)
beneficial people to the society. In today’s term, “economics”
is the way to show how to use
Theoretical Foundations of the least facilities to gain the
Research most profit. Or, in the other
1. Economics words, the science of economics
The economics literally means is the knowledge of the
“intent”; that is, the endurance
in the way of preservation and