Page 112 - Pure Life 28
P. 112
Analyzing the Women’s Role… M.M Safouraei Parizi / (111
In these changes and and amusement; however, this
turnarounds, all family members does not mean one cannot or
can perform a considerable and should not establish an emotional
important role; the father is in connection related to economic
charge of gaining income, activities; rather the main
mother is the manager of the subject is that in order to
house, and children are the procure the costs, a successful
consumers, and so on. economy is needed. (Razzaghi,
What makes the household 2005: 70)
economy unique is the existence The household economic
of interconnected relationships management in the normal situation
between occupational and family should be adjusted according to
roles; that is, the relationships the amount of household income
that are not commonly found in and the expenses. As in the
other than household economic family, parents should have
issues. Understanding this inner emotional, psychological, and
connection can be considered social management, management
as the key to the well-being of is also needed in spending and
the family economy. balancing the income and expenditure.
The system view provides a Every family is referred to as a
clear understanding of the small business that needs resource
interplay of the family system management. Thrift, contentment,
and the economy on one another luxury avoidance, and competition
and on the environment. It are the prerequisites of implementing
should be believed that the family family economic management
economy is a serious and formal and ensuring its success. Hence,
activity, and not for entertainment if the importance and role of