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               108  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 105-127, Autumn 2021

               properties      and       wealth.         3.  Management
               (Motahari, 1979: 31)                  Management  is  the  way  to
                  In relation to the meaning of      achieve  goals  which  are  taken
               “economics”,  Paul  Samuelson         in the view for an organization,
               states:                               or  in  another  words,  it  is
                  Economics  is  the  study  of      working  with  individuals  and
               how  people  and  society  use
               scarce  resources  with  different    groups  to  achieve  goals  and
               uses  in  order  to  produce          objectives.  If  we  consider  the
               various  goods  and  distribute       family as an organization, it is
               them  among  individuals  and         essential  that  a  person  is
               groups of society for the present     selected  as  the  head  of  the
               and     future     consumption.       family  for  future  planning  for
               (Samuelson, 2005: 5)
                                                     the family and the management
                   2.  Family                        of  the  current  affairs,  and  this
               The  family,  as  the  smallest       person can be called the family
               social  institution  plays  the       manager.  (Hashemidaran  and

               greatest role in human societies.     Shirani, 2005: 43)
               Sociologists  have  provided
               many definitions for the family:          4.  Consumption
                  Family is a social institution     Consumption means “the cost”
               made  up  of  people  who  are        and  in  the  economic  terms,  it
               mutually     interconnected    by     is: the monetary value of goods
               marriage,   co-blood, or adoption     and  services  purchased  and
               of a child, as the wife, mother,      procured  by  individuals.  To
               father,  sister,  brother,  son  and   explain  this  “cost”,  some  have
               daughter,  to  create  a  common      stated that wealth is the source
               culture,  and  live  together  in  a
               particular unit called “Home”.        of income, and the net income
                                                     is  used  for  two  purposes.  One
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