Page 106 - Pure Life 37
P. 106

Typology of Religious Lifestyle Results… Z. Nabavi (105

                       Zamakhshri and Shah Abdul-                1957,  Vol.  10:  314;  Tabarsi,
                       Azimi consider it worldly and             1993,  Vol.  10:  795;  Tabari,
                       hereafter result. Qushayri considers      1991, Vol. 30: 171; Baydawi,

                       this  issue  as  the  inequality          1997, Vol. 5: 329)
                       between a man who has been
                       blessed  and  the  abased  ones,          13. Turning  Evil  Deeds  into

                       while  Farra  considers  it  the              Good Deeds
                       inequality  in  the  life  and            Another  consequence  of  a
                       death  of  unbelievers  and               righteous  deed  done  in  the
                       believers. (Ref: Abul-Futuh Razi,         light of faith is the alteration

                       1988,      Vol.     17:      230;         of evil deeds into good deeds,
                       Zamakhshri, 1986, Vol. 4: 290;            which  is  mentioned  in  the

                       Hosseini  Shah  Abdul-Azimi,              70th verse of Surah “Furqan”.
                       1984, Vol. 12: 51; Qushayri,              (Ref: Tayyib, 1999, Vol. 9: 657;
                       2017, Vol. 3: 393; Farra, 1980,           Hosseini  Shah  Abdul-Azimi,
                       Vol. 3: 47)                               1984,  Vol.  9:  377;  Tabari,
                                                                 1991,  Vol.  19:  29;  Maybodi,

                       12. Best of the Creatures                 1992, Vol. 7: 65; Tabataba'i,
                       Another consequence of faith              1996, Vol. 15: 242)

                       and righteous deeds, mentioned

                       in  the  7th  verse  of  Surah            14. Divine Tidings
                       “Bayyina”,  falls  into  the              Almighty  God  says  in  the

                       category  of  the  best  of               verse  known  as  the  verse  of
                                                                 Mawadat (love):
                       creatures. Kashani recognizes
                       best of the creatures to be the              “Such  is  the  good  news
                       Shiites  of  Imam  Ali  (AS).                that  Allah  gives  to  His

                       According       to    a    hadith            servants  who  have  faith
                       reported from the holy Prophet               and  do  righteous  deeds!
                       (PBUH),      Tabarsi     considers           Say, ‘I do not ask you any

                       Imam  Ali  (AS),  His  family,               reward  for  it  except  the
                       and His followers as the best                love  of  [my]  relatives”.
                       of the creatures. (Ref: Kashani,             (The Qur’an, 42: 23)
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