Page 107 - Pure Life 37
P. 107
106 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
According to the difference and righteous deeds. This
in determining the meaning of result is mentioned in “Irshad
the Arabic pronoun Zalika al-Azhan to Tafsir al-
(lit; that) at the beginning of Qur’an” written by Sabzevari
the verse, the different Najafi in the meaning of
interpretation of whether it is reaction, acceptance of obedience,
worldly or otherworldly was and increasing reward; But it
also taken into account. is interpreted in “Tafsir Tusi”
as a reaction to a believer's
15. Divine Mercy prayer. (Ref: Sabzevari Najafi,
In the 30th verse from Surah 1998, Vol. 1: 491; Tusi, 1986,
“Jathiyah”, Allah’s mercy is Vol. 9: 161)
the result of the otherworld Also, Tabari interprets that
from the perspective of God answers His prayers,
Tabarsi, Fakhr Razi, Baydawi both the things they want and
and Tabataba'i. (Ref: Tabarsi, the things they do not ask for.
1993, Vol. 9: 120; Fakhr Razi, (Ref: Tabari, 1991, Vol. 25: 18)
1999, Vol. 27: 681; Baydawi,
1997, Vol. 5: 109; Tabataba'i, 17. Happiness and Blessed
1996, Vol. 18: 179) Destiny Together
In this respect, Syed Qutb In the 29th verse of Surah
mentioned that those who “Ra'ad”, happiness and blessed
receive God's mercy are safe destiny are mentioned by
from all fears and concerns Tayyib and Tabari as another
because they are in the result of faith and righteous
shadow of His mercy. (Ref: deeds but from Tusi's
Syed Qutb, 1991, Vol. 5: 3233) perspective, it is a mundane
and otherworldly outcome.
16. Increase Divine Grace
In the 26th verse of Surah Syed Qutb has not presented
“Shura”, it is said that any opinion either. (Ref:
Allah’s grace will increase Tayyib, 1999, Vol. 7: 335;
upon those who have faith Tabari, 1991, Vol. 13: 98;