Page 108 - Pure Life 37
P. 108

Typology of Religious Lifestyle Results… Z. Nabavi (107

                       Tusi,  1986,  Vol.  6:  250;              Vol. 5: 55; Tabataba'i, 1996,
                       Syed Qutb, 1991, Vol. 4: 2061)            Vol. 15: 151)

                       18. Leaving the Darkness, Moving          20. Non-Fearing of Oppression
                          Towards  the  Light  and               Righteous  believers  are  not
                          Entering Heaven                        afraid  of  oppression          or
                       It  is  mentioned  in  the  11th          degradation.  This  result  is

                       verse  of  Surah  “Talaq”,                mentioned in the 112th verse
                       which  can  be  said  as  a               of  Surah  “Taha”  and  seems

                       consequence of the world and              to  be  a  consequence  of  the
                       the  Hereafter.  (Ref:  Hosseini          afterlife. (Ref: Hosseini Shah
                       Shah  Abdul-Azimi,  1984,                 Abdul-Azimi, 1984, Vol. 8: 332;
                       Vol. 13: 216; Tabarsi, 1993,              Gonabadi,  1987,  Vol.  3:  38;

                       Vol. 10: 467; Baydawi, 1997,              Kashani,  1957,  Vol.  6:  24;
                       Vol.  5:  222;  Maybodi,  1992,           Tabari,  1991,  Vol.  16:  159;
                       Vol. 10: 146)                             Maybodi, 1992, Vol. 6: 180)

                       19. Caliphate on  The  Earth,             21. Non-annihilation of Deeds
                          Establishing Religion and                  and  Recording  of  their

                          Transforming  Fear  into                   Efforts by God
                          Security                               These consequences, mentioned
                       These three consequences are              in  the  94th  verse  of  Surah
                       the  result  mentioned  in  the           “Anbiya”,  are  likely  to  be

                       55th  verse  of  Surah  “Noor”            realized  in  the  afterlife,  and
                       for the righteous deeds of the            the  following  interpretations
                       believers. Tabarsi considers these        have  highlighted  it.  (Ref:

                       consequences as a comprehensive           Zamakhshari, 1986, Vol. 3: 134;
                       result  in  this  world  and  the         Fakhr Razi, 1999, Vol. 22: 185;
                       Hereafter;  But  Suyuti  and              Hosseini  Shah  Abdul-Azimi,

                       Tabataba'i  considered  them              1984, Vol. 8: 440; Kashani, 1957,
                       only mundane. (Ref: Tabarsi, 1993,        Vol. 6: 106; Makarem Shirazi,
                       Vol.  7:  239;  Suyuti,  1984,            1995, Vol. 13: 500)
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