Page 111 - Pure Life 38
P. 111
110 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(38), Spring. 2024
Seemingly, some thinkers In general, in the approach
like Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl, who believe of evolution, religion should
in the approach of evolution be examined in the field of society
between religion and development by taking the achievements of
are the founders of the Islamic development. It is an advanced,
pattern of progress based on justice-oriented, and prosperous
facts. On the one hand, they society. As stated, this approach
believe that the pattern of should answer important questions
external development is an and become a research program.
imitation that does not bring
about real progress in Islamic A Critique Against Muẓaffar
society because it causes ‘Iqbāl 's Approach
much dependence and lags Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl seeks to express
behind human evolution and a new definition of religion so
the progress of society. On the that it enables religion to
other hand, for those who believe move in the direction of
in the evolution approach, the worldly interests and prosperity.
pattern of Western countries is He seeks to show that Islam is
not the criterion of action, but their not only behind in the
development achievements are competition between human and
of interest. This approach sees divine schools to build this
religion as serving society. world and create worldly
Religion in cooperation with technology and civilization
development, in addition to but is more complete than all of
correcting the disadvantages them. Updating the religion,
of development, can guide which from his point of view
society and lead people and is true Islam, means turning
society toward evolution. the religious concepts, values,
According to Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl, and teachings to the new
Islam can make the Islamic sciences to gain the benefit of
nation flourish once again a good world, and even our
under the shadow of Islamic hereafter will be prosperous in
tradition (Ref: Iqbal, 2019). this way. However, ideologies