Page 112 - Pure Life 38
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Criticizing Muslim Thinkers' Views on Religion and Development … A. Ali et al (111

                       are  subject  to  dogmatism  and          students  of  those  nobles,
                       stereotypes.  The  proponents  of         including  the  late  student  of

                       the  complementary  approach,             Imam Sadiq (PBUH), Jabir Ibn
                       including  him,  have  not  been          Hayyan,  watered  from  the
                       able  to  explain  well  how              fountain of Imamate and made

                       development       and     religion        Islam and Muslims proud, but in
                       complete each other and what              the  utter  disbelief  of  Muẓaffar
                       should  be  done  when  facing            ‘Iqbāl, his scientific activity was

                       conflicts.  In  this  respect,            partial. In this respect, he said:
                       Peterson said:                                   Among  the  group  of
                                                                        scientists  of  the  first
                             If       religion        and               centuries,    Jaber     bin

                             development              are               Hayyan  is  a  prominent
                             considered  in  such  a  way               figure.  But  the  fact  that

                             that  they  can  produce                   Jabir's collection of works
                             contradictory  results,  then              and  writings,  which  are
                             how  can  the  view  of                    many  and  varied,  covers
                             completion explain a single                a  wide  range  of  topics,

                             and       unified     reality              shows that there must have
                             (Peterson et al, 2012: 377).               been a growing scientific
                         Additionally,  the  lack  of                   tradition  much  before

                       attention     to    the     Shiite               him, because such mature
                       scientific movement is evident                   and     complete     works
                       in his two books namely, Islam                   cannot  be  a  person's  life

                       and Science and Formation of                     will appear (Iqbal, 2019).
                       Islamic Science. The discussion              It seems that Muzafar Iqbal
                       demands that the views of all             is  doubtful  about  attributing

                       Islamic schools and important             all  of  Jabir's  works  since  he
                       services in the field of science          said,  “In  recent  years,  Paul
                       be raised. It seems that this point       Kraus, with his opinion that the
                       has been paid less attention in           authorship of the collection of

                       the mentioned two works. For              Hayyan's works is a group he
                       example,  in  addition  to  the           attributes  the  authors  and  his

                       infallible  Imams  (PBUT),  the
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