Page 116 - Pure Life 38
P. 116

Criticizing Muslim Thinkers' Views on Religion and Development … A. Ali et al (115

                       for the blissful life of man and          the  social  world  and  people's
                       that traditional science with the         material  well-being.  Therefore,

                       help of revelation and infallible         religion  and  development  are
                       reason is more  effective,  but  it       not in conflict with each other
                       can  be  concluded  that  the             but  are  related  to  two

                       pattern  of  development  is  not         independent  areas,  each  of
                       necessarily destructive of ethics,        which has its function.
                       family, environment and most                 Another  approach  to  the

                       importantly, truth and history.           relationship  between  religion
                       Such a development that takes             and development i.e. the opinions
                       place in the shadow of Islamic            of Muẓaffar ‘Iqbāl, which we

                       tradition by using the strategy of        named  as  the  complement,
                       parallel dialogue and explanation         unlike the other two approaches,
                       between  science  and  religion           believes  that  new  human
                       has no complete conflict with             development,  which  is  based

                       the Islamic worldview.                    on experimental sciences, is not
                         The  distinguishing  thought            incompatible  with  religion.  Of

                       is  that  the  revelatory  and            course,  an  undistorted  and
                       narrative propositions and the            non-regressive  religion  and
                       sciences that have been formed            the  teachings  of  religion  cover
                       to  explain  these  propositions          the defects and weaknesses that

                       are  valuable  and  prescriptive          exist    in    this     type    of
                       sciences that have been formed            development  and  progress,
                       to guide mankind and  achieve             including the loss of meaning

                       his happiness, and every religion         in  life  and  the  unquestioning
                       must  be  responsible  for  this          rule  of  instrumental  rationality.
                       purpose.  But  experimental               Many components in Islam show

                       sciences,  especially  human              the  lack  of  conflict  between
                       experimental sciences, and the            these two realities. Therefore,
                       development  formed  from                 religion  complements  human

                       these  sciences  have  been               development.
                       formed  for  the  empirical                  Muslim  thinkers  showed
                       description and explanation of            that  effective  and  fruitful
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