Page 112 - Pure Life 24
P. 112

History of the Basics of Sovereignty … M. Ridhaei et al / 111

                      its constituent factors are           three types are based on
                      society, governmental territory       private  property  and
                      and governmental organization .       exploitation,  and  the
                   -  A political-legal institution         fourth  type  emerges  as
                      that  is  at  the  top  of  a         the  support  of  the
                      pyramid  of  power  of  a             majority  of  the  people
                      country  and  has  the                over the exploiting minority.
                      exclusive  right  to  use             The  form  of  government
                      force legally.                        of  a  government  is  the
                   -  According  to  Marxists,              structure, manner of formation
                      the state is a machine to             and powers of the highest
                      maintain  the  sovereignty            government officials. For
                      of    one    class    over            example,  the  form  of  a
                      another. The building of              capitalist  state  may  be
                      the  machine or  apparatus            republic  in  one  country
                      of the government consists            and monarchy in another .
                      of the bureaucratic section,       -  A geographical unit that
                      which is the employees,               has  internal  order  and
                      and the coercive section,             external  independence
                      which  is  the  army,  the            and to establish national
                      police,  the  courts  and             goals, establishes reciprocal
                      the prison, and helps the             relations  with  similar
                      bureaucratic  section  to             units. The existence of a
                      enact laws and regulations            country  depends  on  the
                      for  the  benefit  of  the            existence of population,
                      exploiters.  The  historical          territory and state.
                      type  of  government  is           -  It is means the state and
                      determined by which class             as one of the constituent
                      holds  the  ruling  power,            units of a country which
                      which  are  four  types:              has a federal government.
                      slavery, feudalism, capitalism        (Aghabakhshi, 2008: 373-374)
                      and socialism. The first
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