Page 114 - Pure Life 24
P. 114

History of the Basics of Sovereignty … M. Ridhaei et al / 113

                   10. Religious Movement               Relative     because      this
               A  religious  movement  is  a         framework changes in terms of
               social  movement  that  has  a        expansion or limitation, which
               religious purpose. (Aghabakhshi,      the  history  of  countries  has
               2008: 334)                            shown  this  fact  well;  but  in
                                                     any case, the factor of territory
                   11. Territory                     is  undoubtedly  a  necessity  for
               Territory  is  a  geographical        embodying  the  concept  of
               space that is limited by certain      state-country.
               boundaries  and  in  which  the          In  relation  to  the  existence
               power  and  sovereignty  of  the      of the state-country, the factor
               state-country  is  exercised  and     of territory has been discussed
               it is a part of the surface of the    a  lot,  in  which  four  important
               earth that forms the framework        theories are briefly stated :
               of  function  and  the  field  of
               existence of the state-country.           A. Territory as a Structural
                  Territory  is  the  necessary             Factor of the State
               spatial  format  in  which  the       This theory considers the territory
               population  of  any  country  is      as  one  of  the  constituent
               located.  In  other  words,  the      factors of the state-country and
               human  community  is  settled         an  integral  part  of  its  nature.
               by the blessing of the territory      Jellinek writes: “The state is a
               and in connection with it, and        piece  of  territory  and  a  piece
               live  on  part  of  the  earth.  The   of  humanity” .  In  addition  to
               concept  of  homeland  emerges        Jellinek,  people  like  Carre  de
               from  this  relationship  that  is    Malberg  and  Hauriou,  see  the
               established between the human         state-country  as  consisting  of
               group  and  the  Territory;           land, population, and political power.
               therefore,  for  the  existence  of
               the  state-country,  the  stability
               of the territorial situation is, of
               course, relatively necessary.
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