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               114  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 107-131, Autumn 2020
                   B.  Territory as a Subject                   own; therefore, then,
                      of Political Power                        the relationship must
                   Proponents  of  this  view                   be  based  on  the
                   have taken two different directions          nature of sovereignty,
                   in their perceptions:                        and  not  ownership.
                      -  Some have exercised                    (Ghazi, 2019, Vol. 1:
                          political  power  in                  207-212)
                          the  territory  on  the
                          occasion of the existence      C. Territory as the Boundary
                          of    real   property             of Sovereignty
                          rights;  that  is,  they   Territory-Area theory is a reaction
                          have  considered  the      to the previous theory. According
                          relationship  between      to this view, the territory is the
                          the  state  and  the       only  area  and  framework
                          territory as the relationship   within  which  the  sovereignty
                          between the property       of  the  state  is  exercised.
                          and the property case.     According  to  Leon  Duguit,
                      -  Others have attributed      territory  is  the  material  realm
                          the  exercise  of  this    of the real actions of governments.
                          power to real sovereign        D. Territory  as  a  field  of
                          rights. However, the              Government Qualification
                          state-country can own      Kelsen,  Werdrooz,  Borken,  and
                          part  of  its  territory;   Charles  Rousseau  are  among
                          but  the  authority  it    the scholars who see the territory
                          exercises  over  the       as  a  position  and  scope  of
                          entire  diameter  of  a    government  qualification.  territory
                          country is another matter.   in  this  sense,  is  a  piece  of
                          In  other  words,  the     territory within which a system
                          authority of the state     of  regulation  and  enforcement
                          also applies to those      of special rights is enforceable;
                          parts of  the territory    the  framework  within  which
                          which  it  does  not
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