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               112  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 107-131, Autumn 2020
                   5.  National Sovereignty          country, it is called territory of
               The  main  concept  of  national      sovereignty or territorial qualification.
               sovereignty is that no institution    In other words, the qualification
               can  claim  its  power  from  a       of the state firstly discusses the
               authority other than the nation,      people  living  in  the  land,
               and the nation, which has real        secondly  the  objects  found  in
               power, can delegate its implementation   that land, and thirdly the things
               to whomever it wants, therefore,      that happen in that land. (Ibid: 387)
               no  individual  and  no  class  of
               people  can  rule  unless  it  is         8.  Ethnic
               represented  by  the  nation.         Ethnic is a human-racial group
               With  this  right,  every  state  is   that  has  a  special  group
               completely  autonomous  in  the       language,  culture,  way  of  life
               political  realm  and  within  its    and  aspirations  within  the
               own  interests,  and  is  not         framework  of  a  large  racial
               accountable  to  any  higher          branch,  in  a  way  that  it  can
               authority. (Aghabakhshi, 2008: 254)   even  be  distinguished  from
                                                     other  racial  groups.  For  this
                   6.  Sovereign                     reason,  sometimes  the  same
               Sovereign  means  the  person,        ethnic group means a national
               pillar  or  apparatus  to  whom       group or its equivalent. (Ibid: 131)
               sovereignty has been delegated.
               In  monarchical  governments,             9.  Movement
               is  a  person  who  performs  the     Movement or action, relatively
               duties  of  the  head  of  state.     regular  and  lasting  group
               (Ibid: 369)                           behavior  to  achieve  a  certain
                                                     socio-political goal is based on
                   7.  Territory              of     a  clear  plan  that  may  be
                                  Sovereignty        revolutionary  or  reformist.
               In  cases  where  the  right  of      (Ibid: 246)
               sovereignty includes jurisdiction
               over  all  individuals  and  other
               issues within the borders of the
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