Page 185 - Pure Life 33
P. 185
184 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
computable through theory that combines the
t c=h/(2πmc ). (Clark 1999: 87) two basic theories of
To apply quantum physics, i.e: General
fluctuations to the initial relativity and quantum
conditions of the world, mechanics, had to be
physicists would have to presented. Such a
describe the conditions of comprehensive theory is
the universe preceding the “the quantum theory of
Plank’s Time (i.e: 10 gravity” and the cosmology,
second after the Big Bang). based on that, is “the
Before this time, i.e: quantum cosmology”.
During the Plank period, Quantum cosmology
the four fundamental forces supposes that from the Big
of nature (i.e: Gravitational Bang to 10 seconds
force, electromagnetic force, afterward, while the
weak nuclear force, and universe’s dimension was
strong nuclear force) had about 10 centimeters,
wholly unified. The quantum fluctuations could
structures of space and time occur. Besides, since the
were so disintegrated that sum of the negative energy
one could not find much of the universe’s gravity
similarity between what we and its positive kinetic
know of as space and time energy equals zero, the
and whatever space and emergence of the universe
time looked like right then. from quantum fluctuation is
In order to describe such presumed to be a creation
conditions a comprehensive out of nothing.